Tashkent, 26 January 2022

Ambassador Md Zahangir Alam had an official visit to Navoi Region of the Republic of
Uzbekistan and had a meeting with Governor of Navoi Region of Uzbekistan Mr. Normat
Tulkunovich Tursunov on 24 January 2022 at Navoi Regional Municipality. Ambassador appreciated
the developments taking place in Navoi Region.

Navoi Governor welcomed Bangladesh Ambassador and expressed gratitude for visiting the
Navoi Region. He shared general information about the youngest region of Uzbekistan – Navoi and
facilities being provided in free economic zones of this region. Both sides discussed establishment of
cooperation in the potential fields like textiles, pharmaceuticals and ICT also trade opportunities in
agricultural sector

Bangladesh Ambassador laid importance on connectivity and requested Governor to pursue
with Uzbekistan Authority the matter of resumption of direct passenger flights between two countries
and cargo flights from Navoi. The Governor assured that his office will explore potential sectors and
projects for cooperation between the two friendly countries.

On the same day Ambassador Md Zahangir Alam visited Navoi International Airport and had
a meeting with Director of Cargo of “Navoi International Airport” LLC Mr. Shodibek Suyundikovich
Kuchqarov to explore the possibility of exporting Bangladeshi goods to Uzbekistan and other Central
countries. Airport Authority also expressed their desire to extend all kind`s of cooperation to re-
establish cargo flights between Bangladesh and Uzbekistan.