Dhaka, (9 October) :
A high-level workshop on formulation of National Adaptation Plan (NAP) was
held on Saturday at Rajendrapur BRAC CDM in Gazipur to determine the steps to be
taken to reduce the damage caused by climate change. In the workshop the participants
discussed on progress in NAP formulation and ways to make it more effective. The
workshop was attended by senior officials of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change and its agencies, UNDP and NAP formulation team.
Speaking as the chief guest at the concluding session of the workshop, Secretary
of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Md. Mostafa Kamal said
the National Adaptation Plan includes effective ways to address the risks and harms of
climate change.  The plan is being formulated on the basis of the views of different
sections of the people of the country.  He called upon the concerned parties to finalize
the plan by April 2022.
The workshop chaired by Md. Mizanul Hoque Chowdhury, National Project
Director, NAP Formulation Project, Md. Ashraf Uddin, Director General of the
Department of Environment spoke as a special guest, keynote address was delivered by
Professor Dr. Ainun Nishat. Mirza Shawkat Ali, Deputy-Project Director of the Project
and Program Specialist of UNDP Arif Mohammad Faisal spoke among others.