Dhaka, 19 August:

Following the government guidance and instruction, as per Civil Aviation Authority Of Bangladesh with immediate effect until further notice, scheduled international passenger flights shall continue as per their approved time slots under the Summer-2021 schedule.

Entry of passengers of all flights:

For the countries under Group A:

Passengers vaccinated with Covid-19 vaccine:
Bangladeshi citizens who have completed a full dose (single/double dose as applicable for a full dose) of Covid- 19 vaccine before 14 days of the travel date can enter Bangladesh. After arrival they will have to complete 14 (fourteen) days strict home quarantine. However, if any COVID-19 symptoms are detected/observed on arrival, he/she shall be sent to a government authorized hospital for further checkup or depending on the nature/intensity of the symptoms, will be sent to isolation at government nominated facility or hotel at the passenger’s own expenses.

Passengers not vaccinated with Covid-19 vaccine:
(a) No entry into Bangladesh by any passengers from this group of countries without having full dose (single/double dose as applicable for a full dose) ofCovid-19 vaccine.

(b)Bangladeshi expatriates residing in this group of countries and Bangladeshi expatriates/citizen who visited this group of countries in previous 15 days of travel to Bangladesh, are allowed to travel to Bangladesh provided that they have the special approval/ authorization from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bangladesh.

(c)Bangladeshi Seafarers/Engineers of ships, has signed-off from the ships from the countries of this group of countries within previous 15 days of travel to Bangladesh, can return provided they possess proper & valid documentary evidences about their profession and signing-off. On arrival in Bangladesh, in both the cases above, they have to complete a mandatory 14 (fourteen) days institutional quarantine at a government nominated hotel on passenger’s own expenses. Proof of hotel booking shall be produced during check-in and the airlines representative shall verify it before issuing the boarding pass.

For the Countries under Group-B:

Passengers vaccinated with Covid- 19 vaccine:
Passengers who completed full dose of Covid-19 vaccine before 14 days of the flight date can travel to Bangladesh and they will have to complete 14 (fourteen) days strict home quarantine. However, if any COVID-19 symptoms are detected/observed on arrival, he/she shall be sent to a government authorized hospital for further checkup or depending on the nature/intensity of the symptoms, will be sent to isolation at a government nominated facility or hotel at the passenger ‘s own expense.

Passengers not vaccinated with Covid-19 vaccine:
Passengers not completed full doses of COVID-19 vaccination, shall have to complete a mandatory 14 (fourteen) days institutional quarantine at a government nominated hotel on passenger’s own expense. Proof of hotel booking shall be produced during check-in and the airlines’ representative shall verify it before issuing the Boarding pass.

Passengers originating from this group of countries can have transit via the countries of Group A, provided that they are kept confined within the transit airport under the close supervision of the airline.

For the Countries under Group-C:
Irrespective of the COVID- 19 vaccination, any passengers from this group of countries can travel to Bangladesh and they will have to complete 14 (fourteen) days strict home quarantine. However, if any COVID- 19 symptoms are detected/observed on arrival, he/she shall be sent to Government Authorized Hospital for further checkup or depending on the nature/intensity of the symptoms, will be sent to isolation at government nominated facilities or Hotel at passenger ‘s own expenses.

Passengers originating from this group of countries can have transit via the countries of Group A and/or B, provided that they are kept confined within the transit airport under the close supervision of the airlines.

Outgoing passengers of all flights:
There is no restriction on the passengers travelling to the countries of any group. However, passengers shall also follow the latest restrictions or requirements imposed by the transit/destination country(s) or by the Airlines. Airlines concerned shall keep their passengers well informed about the requirements and formalities of origin I transit I destination countries well before of their travel.

Requirement of PCR test and vaccination:
All incoming/outgoing passengers , except children below 10 years old, shall mandatorily possess RT PCR based COVID-19 negative certificate. The PCR test shall be done within 72 hours of the flight departure time.

Passengers below 18 years old without full dose of vaccination can travel only with their family.

Group of Countries

Group A:
Argentina, Botswana, Cuba, Cyprus, Eswatini, Georgia, Iran, Libya, Malaysia, Mongolia, Spain.

Group B:
Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, France, Iraq, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Namibia, Netherlands, Panama, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia, UK.

All other countries not in group A & B will fall in group C